Create a Start Object

Create an object that contains a DataFrame with at minimum one column that is the names of the files or folders in the supplied directory,

import lsframe as ls

path = '/path/to/directory/'
lsobject = ls.start(path)

Look for Patterns

You may define patterns to classify by. If a single pattern or list of patterns is given, the columns will be named according to the patterns and a bool will be supplied indicating the pattern was or was not found. This example adds the column 'sample1' and puts True where found, False where not found,

path = '/path/to/directory/'
lsobject = ls.start(path, patterns='sample1') # single pattern
lsobject = ls.start(path, patterns=['sample1', 'sample2', 'sample3']) # OR list of patterns

You may also use regular expressions to do more sophisticated pattern searches and classify by specific language rather than bool. To do this, use a dictionary rather than a list. The keys of the dict are the column names, the values are the expression to search for and classify by. This example creates a column called 'sample' and classifies by any one digit number found just to the right of the word 'sample',

path = '/path/to/directory/'
lsobject = ls.start(path, patterns={'sample': 'sample\d'})

If this patterning is not found, False is entered.

To mix these behaviors, add bool for the dict value and the column for the key is added with True or False added if the pattern is or is not found, respectively. This example makes a column for 'sample' and classifies by any one digit number as above, but also adds a column called 'blank_run' and classifies as True or False.

path = '/path/to/directory/'
lsobject = ls.start(path, patterns={'sample': 'sample\d', 'blank_run': bool})

Skip Using Patterns

You may skip directories according to specific language. This example classifies by sample number but skips any file or folder with 'sample7' in the name,

path = '/path/to/directory/'
lsobject = ls.start(path, patterns={'sample': 'sample\d'}, skip='sample7')

Look for Dates

You may also classify by dates found in the file or folder names and the days elapsed since the found date. This example looks for dates of the format 'YYYYMMDD' and adds 'date' and 'date_delta' columns,

path = '/path/to/directory/'
lsobject = ls.start(path,
                    patterns={'sample': 'sample\d'},

You can search for all possible dates by setting date_format='any'. This finds all logical dates and gives them as a list, along with a date_delta list and a date_format list. For example,

path = '/path/to/directory/'
lsobject = ls.start(path,
                    patterns={'sample': 'sample\d'},

Add Function Outputs

You can even use a custom function that operates on each element of the parent directory to add the outputs as classifiers. Do this my adding the names of the classifier columns, defining the function call, and adding any needed arguments in the form of a dictionary. For example, if the function is:

def function_handle(directory, args_dict):

    use_directory = directory
    output1 = random.randint(0, args_dict['par1'])
    output2 = random.randint(args_dict['par1'], args_dict['par2'])

    return [output1, output2]

the call would look like,

lsobject = ls.start(path,
                    patterns={'sample': 'sample\d'},
                    classifiers=['output1', 'output2'],
                    function_args={'par1': 1,
                                   'par2': 2}

and two new columns would be added called 'output1' and 'output2' with the values corresponding to the function outputs. Make sure to have the function accept a path and a single dictionary that contains any additional parameters needed. Also make sure the function returns the outputs in a list that is equal in length to the given list of classifiers. Use the above example function as a template.

Load a Saved Frame

If the given path is to a .csv file that was saved using the save() method, the same frame that was created and saved will be re-created in the start object (assuming the .csv was not modified). However, the other attributes of the start object that was saved will be missing, and will need to be defined manually.

Create an Empty Object

If you instantiate without arguments, you will receive an empty start object that can be filled in manually using any of the available methods. For example, create an empty object then add a directory and date_format,

lsobject = ls.start() = '/path/to/directory/'
lsobject.date_format = 'YYMMDD'