lsframe is an open-source Python package for mapping directories and correlating specific language patterns in file and folder names with each other and with outputs of user-supplied functions that act on the files or folders.
Create DataFrames that are maps of directories
Organize DataFrames using dates and language in file and folder names
Find possible dates in arbitrarily formatted file and folder names
Construct DataFrames from a function that processes files and folders
Visualize correlations between dates or language and function outputs
- Installing lsframe
- Introduction to lsframe
- Create a Start Object
- Defining Patterns
- Reduce the Frame using Patterns
- Finding Dates
- Reduce the Date Lists
- Narrow the Dates
- Call a Custom Function
- Map a Directory
- Create Frame from directory_map
- seaborn relplot
- Save the Frame to csv
- Classes
- lsframe Examples
- Version History
Documentation Build Date: 10/04/2021, 10:58:27